How to Improve Children's Mental Health?


Let's see today as an opportunity to support more children's mental health. Agree? Let's go! 

Image: Unsplash

Why Is Children's Mental Health Important?

We all love to see cheerful happy laughing children, playing with no 

fears of problems.This is their right to live, happily without 

receiving any threats. 

Generally, children are full of wishes and dreams! You heard a lot from 

them about their dreams. It gives you a sence of flow of life.

These pleasing, dreams and wishes will affect their better future life. 

On the other hand, unsolved childhood trauma has had negative 

impacts on people's life during adulthood 

as individuals, families, friends, couples, parents, or 

co-workers. Besides, 50% of lifetime mental illnesses 

begin by age 14, and 75% of them emerge by age 24. Therefore, 

many people have to spend their lifetime trying to forget a part of 

their unpleasant childhood. In other words, they feel that they are 

deprived  of having a calm peaceful life. 

 How To Know If Your Children 

Have Mental Issues?

Children's mental issues have been in crisis for

 years. Additionally, by COVID19 and the pandemic many 

folks, girls and boys had to stay home. Consequently, it

caused more mental illnesses. 1 in 6 of children 

and young people have mental problems. These diagnosed 

mental health issues, and more undiagnosed 

mental illnesses struggle with different challenges.  

Remember, sometimes silent children have unillustrated

thoughts, so you can not be quite sure that 

quiet children have no emotional issuesChildren are aware of 

how they're perceived by others 

and it would affect on their beliefs about themselves. 

It is important for parents to know indicating sources of 

mental issues. For example, a stressful situation for 

children or adolescents is more likely to be expressed by 

negative things about themselves as “No one likes 


Other mental issues symptoms among children can be showed as:

  • Negative behaviors such as anger or sadness 
  • Don't enjoy the company of their own age.
  • Feeling socially isolated.
  •  Poor school performance.

How to Improve Children's Mental Health?

You as educators, teachers, parents, and adults can form 

reasonable shape of future for them, and their progress must be

valued in compare to themselves. You can create an atmosphere

to see more grown happier committed people in the future.

The future would be more peaceful if children are practiced

moral virtue as honesty, self-control, liberality, courage,

compassion, fidelity, fairness, and prudence. 

Aristotle defined moral virtue as a disposition to behave in 

the right manner and as a mean between extremes of deficiency

and excess, which are vices. 

Network with your children's friends and their parents, 
or school staff can come to know more about your children.

Children must have an atmosphere to talk to somebody. 
Listen to them kindly. When you listen to them remember 
to  have a smile and eye contact. Don't forget to show your interest.
Take them serious whatever they're saying about their 
wishes or feelings. Show them you understand their feelings.
Show them they're accepted by you. Show them your support. 

Image: Unsplash

Finally,  parents, guardians, and adults with more knowledge and

skills about children's mental health would be more present at the right 

time to prevent bigger issues. keep in mind that children can

get depression. Seek for professional help as psychologists to cure  

burnout children.

I'm here to help you heal and turn your pain into gain. 

You are not alone in this journey to feel calm, hope and power. 

Send me an email right away to begin your well-being journey.

Best of luck, Cheers,



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