How To Be Happier? Part 4


 Dear Beautiful Soul,

Feeling under pressure? Feeling heavy emotional baggage you're hauling around? Feelings such as anger, despair, or fear? What should you do to feel pleasure, happiness, and joyfulness? 

During the last few years, some of you have not felt a kind of happiness in your life, because of the COVID19. You had to stay home, not socialize with friends/families, or travel. 

This page is just for you to help yourself, heal your emotional wounds and be happier!

Grow with external and internal factors To Be Happier

You're not cars, but like cars you're impacted by external and internal factors that cause feel not happy in your life.

External factors like negative people around you that stop you like a  brake for cars. Don't allow them to put you down with their negative thoughts as you can't, what if you couldn't or you don't know, etc. Instead, try to communicate with successful people.

Internal factors like your negative thoughts that stop you like a  brake for cars, too. Don't allow those thoughts to put you down as I can't, what if I couldn't or I don't know, etc. A part of unhappiness is hopelessness. There is love & light at the end of the tunnel!  Nourish yourself with hope, wish, and willingness! Where there is a will there's a way!

Try to re-charge your batteries To Be Happier

Sometimes maybe you feel your energy is low. It's normal! But not for a long time, so try to re-charge your battery and get started again. You have a gift box including time and energy. You have plenty of time and energy to go forward and plenty of chances and opportunities for growth on the earth. These opportunities are always positive in intention. Be creative in the ways that let these opportunities to allow you to shine!

If you like to be happier, help yourself! Open the right doors for yourself. If you ask me how? I'm telling you that try! Try feeling motivated and Inspired! I know you're right! You don't know everything, but you can search on different resources such as the internet and books. Try to gain information about various questions to find what successful people have done. There were some challenges for them to work through and still working hard. Find what are the main keys to being satisfied, happy and successful, and find to know what do you want for your life.  As Mike Melville mentioned, "What you want to do, and what you can do, is limited only by what you can dream." 

Make a dream! Don’t give up. Keep going. Go for it! Break your dream into small goals and then celebrate for reaching each of them! Reward yourself! Invite yourself to a cinema, park, coffee shop, dance, being with friends/ family, or whatever you joy! 

Help Others To Be Happier

A part of unhappiness is feeling useless. Helping others give you a sense of humanity and usefulness! In fact, you helped yourself to have good feelings as happiness about yourself! Therefore, do voluntary jobs, or help family/ friends/ neighbors. 

All of the things I have worked with people have been great. I would always be here for you to help you to navigate your life and help you to create the life you want. 

Best of luck, Cheers,

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